In the 20th century money would have bought us a middle class car, a middle class house and a middle class family. In the 1990s money became boring – and thus, lost power.
Today, social status is not about how much money we own, but how someone converts it to culture. Money does not define us as social individuals any longer.
→ Today, countries print money and get away with it. The shortage economy does not fight for money, it fights for labour force. Labour force fights for meaning and identity. The momentum of power moves from the employer to the employee.
In the 20th century money would have bought us a middle class car, a middle class house and a middle class family. In the 1990s money became boring – and thus, lost power.
Today, social status is not about how much money we own, but how someone converts it to culture. Money does not define us as social individuals any longer.
→ Today, countries print money and get away with it. The shortage economy does not fight for money, it fights for labour force. Labour force fights for meaning and identity. The momentum of power moves from the employer to the employee.