What comes after the age of digitalization? New materialism. Web 1.0 and 2.0 are being complemented by web 3.0 structures. Web 3.0 is about ownership.
Materialism is back. Social (media) relationships don’t make up for the ‘the whole world‘ anymore. We start to accept that ownership and capital matter. Most of the web 3.0 materials might not be tangible, but they definitely aren’t as abstract as the bubbles of web 2.0.
→ Web3 brands need to own themselves again. They are brands for a token-based society. Swimming with the 2.0 swarm is still relevant, but not sufficient anymore.
What comes after the age of digitalization? New materialism. Web 1.0 and 2.0 are being complemented by web 3.0 structures. Web 3.0 is about ownership.
Materialism is back. Social (media) relationships don’t make up for the ‘the whole world‘ anymore. We start to accept that ownership and capital matter. Most of the web 3.0 materials might not be tangible, but they definitely aren’t as abstract as the bubbles of web 2.0.
→ Web3 brands need to own themselves again. They are brands for a token-based society. Swimming with the 2.0 swarm is still relevant, but not sufficient anymore.