The network society creates relevance through art, journalism, memes, or influencers. A brand can either be a an agent or a victim of those phenomenons. It can either own the materials it consists of, or it consists of 'this seasons media spendings' and 'last seasons influencer opinions'.
We deliver materials, toolkits and strategies that help to isolate essence and iterate patterns. We create agency for brands and institutions.
A ○ Build ownership.
Collect awareness.
B ○ Isolate essence.
Retarget resonance.
C ○ Establish agency.
Cultivate isms.
Yes, we are mercenaries. People approach us with problems. We have seen the dark side, and we know the route to paradise. We like to see things grow.
The network society creates relevance through art, journalism, memes, or influencers. A brand can either be a an agent or a victim of those phenomenons. It can either own the materials it consists of, or it consists of 'this seasons media spendings' and 'last seasons influencer opinions'.
ismus® creates agency for brands and institutions. We deliver materials, toolkits and strategies that help to isolate essence and iterate patterns.
A ○ Build ownership.
Collect awareness.
B ○ Isolate essence.
Retarget resonance.
C ○ Establish agency.
Cultivate isms.
Yes, we are mercenaries. People approach us with problems. We take joy in solving things. We have seen the dark side, and we know the route to paradise. We like to see things grow.